Legislative initiatives and trade development programmes between the USA and Caribbean countries By Mike Jarrett ost-election utterances in the USA and specifically those from the President-elect warn
Read MoreKnowledge that ‘accidents will happen’ should stimulate positive action ... not inaction! iven the high volume of marine traffic criss-crossing the world’s oceans, accidents in the maritime sphere are
Read More“Lagging behind … big time!” By Mike Jarrett * Maritime transportation and specifically the movement of cargo across oceans developed over centuries. Each country, in its own language, for its own pur
Read MoreWe've done the talk. It's time for the walk he fallout and disasters directly attributed to Climate Change have become more frequent and disturbingly awesome over the last 12 months. And nowhere is th
Read MoreIs it too late? limate disaster and destruction caused by Climate Change became the main focus of television news coverage in the early weeks of Summer 2022, as it did in the previous year and the yea
Read MoreMoral and economic madness pril 4, 2022 was a cold day in New York. But it was a fierce and fiery António Guterres that faced the world to deliver the findings of the Third Intergovernmental Panel on
Read MoreOrganizational deception: nip it in the bud Receival, transportation and safe delivery of cargo across oceans is a highly complicated and precise activity, routinely demanding, normally dangerous and
Read MoreEDITORIAL The projections were accurate April 2021: Concerns about Sea Level Rise grew exponentially in recent months, energised by a recent analysis of projected and actual results, which confirmed
Read MoreCaribbean, Latin America most affected by 2020 pandemic he second half of 2020 began with no less uncertainty than the first half ended. The impacts and characteristics of the coronavirus pandemic wer
Read More... bringing renewed appreciation for the value of cargo operations t was not until hospitals in Europe were becoming overwhelmed with admissions for a strange and highly contagious virus that was kil
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